Ewing PBA Hall Booking Registration:

  • Event Organizer Name

    This is the individual (21+ yrs of age). who is responsible and authorized to register, purchase and attest to our rental agreement.
  • You will be able to use either the user name you provide us above OR the email address you enter below in order to login and book events. Tip: Enter a simple user name you commonly use.
  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Required phone number format: (###) ###-####
    Please provide the best phone number we can use to contact you regarding your event booking(s) in an emergency.
    • Address


    The following information is required. Approx. number of guests (Max 75). Drivers License or Government ID image file to be uploaded and associated with this rental. and a checked box indicating you attest to reading and agreeing to the Ewing PBA Local 111 Hall Rental Agreement - NOTE: Don't check the box unless you have read the full agreement. Your checking the box attests that you have read and accept the contract. Questions or concerns? Send an email to hallrental@ewingpba.com
  • Please enter your estimated number of guests for your event. The MAX number is 75 persons. (No pets permitted)
  • Upload NOTE: Create a photo of your driver's license/ Uploading the file here is a requirement in order to register and book any PBA Hall Rental. This photo. along with a refundable Security Deposit on check out, is a requirement for all PBA Hall bookings. (File formats: .jpg .jpeg .png .gif only)
  • I attest that I have both read and accepted the Ewing PBA Hall Rental Agreement